Monarch Charter Flights (Starting With MON)
0871 940 5040
The details of the services and contact details we hold are listed below... Select the Service and View available Phone Menu details. You may also click to the Company Website and Contact Us pages, See/Add Facebook feedback comments. Please Report an Error if you find one and Rate the Service. We value your feedback. 2nd Oct 2017 MONARCH AIRLINES HAS CEASED TRADING. YOU NEED TO CONTACT THE CAA (CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY) The CAA call centre for Monarch, phone menu and messages you will hear are detailed here Phoning from overseas: +44 1753 330 330
Flying within the next day If you flying within the next day |
35s > |
Make a flight booking If you would like to make a flight booking |
Enquire about making a new flight only booking To enquire about making a new flight only booking |
1m 17s > |
If you're at the payment page and you're getting a message saying 'payment pending' please contact us to confirm your booking If you're at the payment page and you're getting a message saying 'payment pending' please contact us to confirm your booking |
1m 17s > |
Warning - You will be given the following information before being transferred to an operator: Sometimes when making a payment for a booking you receive an error message displaying this booking is not confirmed at payment is still pending, please contact us to confirm your booking. We recommend that you recheck the booking in 15 minutes to see if the payment has cleared before calling as often this is the case, to do so sign in to our site and click manage my booking if the booking is confirmed it will be displayed here, if after the 15 minutes the booking is still not showing please call us back. We hope that this information will solve the problem, if you'd still like to speak to someone please hold.
Should the message 'null reference exception' appear Should the message 'null reference exception' appear |
1m 17s > |
Warning - You will be given the following information before being transferred to an operator: Occasionally an error message saying 'null reference exception' will appear whilst making a booking, if you experience this please don't worry all is fine, you should be able to ignore the error and continue to make your booking without any issues. We hope that this information will solve the problem, if you'd still like to speak to someone please hold.
All other questions or support making a booking For all other questions or support making a booking |
35s > |
Hear the Options Again Hear the Options Again |
Cancel a flight for medicinal or bereavement reasons If you are calling to cancel a flight for medicinal or bereavement reasons |
35s > |
Existing reservation If you have an existing reservation |
Notify us of any special assistance requirements To notify us of any special assistance requirements |
1m 2s > |
If you've received an email or letter about a change to your booked flights If you've received an email or letter about a change to your booked flights |
1m 2s > |
Experiencing problems trying to check in online If you're experiencing problems trying to check in online |
1m 2s > |
Enquiring about which terminal you are departing from If you're enquiring about which terminal you're departing from |
1m 2s > |
All other existing booking enquiries For all other existing booking enquiries |
35s > |
Hear the Options Again Hear the Options Again |
Member of our frequent loyalty programme vantage club If you are a member of our frequent loyalty programme vantage club |
Make a booking using your advantage points To make a booking using your vantage points |
44s > |
Enquire about your vantage card or vantage points Enquire about your vantage card or vantage points |
44s > |
Any other enquiries For any other enquiries |
> |
Last Updated: July 2014 Data provided by: Please Press 1 Team
We aim to ensure the information provided is as accurate as possible but companies sometimes change their menus round without informing us. This is particularly true in 2020 given the Covid-19 situation. As a result Please Press 1 accept no liability for any loss direct or consequential (including, but not limited to, time or financial cost) arising from inaccurate data. If you find any data that is not accurate, please let us know. welcomes opinions and reviews from consumers. In line with our fair and impartial ratings policy, we actively moderate all posts submitted. Any posts suspected to be false or misleading in any way will not be published.
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