Birmingham City Council Council Tax
0121 303 1113
The details of the services and contact details we hold are listed below... Select the Service and View available Phone Menu details. You may also click to the Company Website and Contact Us pages, See/Add Facebook feedback comments. Please Report an Error if you find one and Rate the Service. We value your feedback.
Talk to us about council tax If you need to talk to us about council |
If you wish to make a payment, set up a direct debit, request a payment card or require a refund If you wish to make a payment, set up a direct debit, request a payment card or require a refund |
To make a payment using a debit or credit card To make a payment using a debit or credit card |
Pay your council tax For council tax |
Please enter your business rates reference number |
1m 6s > |
Pay business rates For business rates |
Please enter your business rates reference number |
1m 6s > |
Pay housing payments For housing payments |
A Payment Reference Number is required |
1m 6s > |
Pay business improvement district levy's For business improvement district levy's |
Please enter your business improvement district reference |
1m 6s > |
Pay other invoices For other invoices |
An invoice number is required to proceed |
1m 6s > |
To set up a direct debit To set up a direct debit |
53s > |
To request a replacement payment card To request a replacement payment card |
Additional personal information required |
1m 11s |
To request a refund To request a refund |
Helpful Hint - To request a refund please email us at If you're jointly responsible for council tax and wish to have the refund issued in one name you must provide with an authorisation for this. An email request in this instance is not acceptable, the letter must be signed by both parties and posted to Birmingham City Council, Revenue Service, PO Box 5, Birmingham, B4 7AB.
If you wish to speak to an advisor If you still wish to discuss your refund, to be transferred to an advisor |
1m 0s > |
If you have received a reminder letter, a summons, a liability order or a letter from a bailiff If you have received a reminder letter, a summons, a liability order or a letter from a bailiff |
If you have received a reminder If you have received a reminder |
Make a payment If you wish to make a payment |
Pay your council tax For council Tax |
Please enter your business rates reference number |
1m 15s > |
Pay business rates For business rates |
Please enter your business rates reference number |
1m 15s > |
Pay housing payments For housing payments |
A Payment Reference Number is required |
1m 15s > |
Pay business improvement district levy's For business improvement district levy's |
Please enter your business improvement district reference |
1m 15s > |
Pay other invoices For other invoice's |
An invoice number is required to proceed |
1m 15s > |
Speak to an advisor Speak to an advisor |
1m 3s > |
If you have received a summons If you have received a summons |
Make a full payment To make a full payment |
Pay your council tax For council tax |
Please enter your business rates reference number |
1m 14s > |
Pay business rates For business rates |
Please enter your business rates reference number |
1m 14s > |
Pay housing payments For housing payments |
A Payment Reference Number is required |
1m 14s > |
Pay business improvement district levy's For business improvement district levy's |
Please enter your business improvement district reference |
1m 14s > |
Pay other invoices For other invoices |
1m 14s > |
Speak to an advisor To be transferred to an advisor |
1m 2s > |
If you have received a liability order If you have received a liability order |
If you still wish to discuss your refund If you still wish to discuss your refund |
1m 2s > |
If you have received a letter from a bailiff If you have received a letter from a bailiff |
If you've received a letter from Equita If you've received a letter from Equita |
Requires reference Number |
1m 4s > |
If you've received a letter from Russ & Roberts If you've received a letter from Russ & Roberts |
1m 4s > |
Calling because your circumstances have changed If you're calling because your circumstances have changed |
Calling about a change in address If you are calling about a change in address |
53s > |
To advise us of a death in the household To advise us of a death in the household |
53s > |
To talk to us about any other change to circumstances To talk to us about any other change to circumstances |
53s > |
If you think you are entitled to an exemption or discount including single persons discount and being a student If you think you are entitled to an exemption or discount including single persons discount and being a student |
If you are a student Aston or Birmingham university If you are a student Aston or Birmingham university |
56s > |
If you are a student at any other university If you are a student at any other university |
56s > |
For single persons discount For single persons discount |
56s > |
For general information on discounts and exemptions For general information on discounts and exemptions |
56s > |
For all other enquiries For all other enquiries |
39s > |
Discuss your benefits If you like to discuss your benefits |
Make a new claim for housing or council tax benefit If you wish to make a new claim for housing or council tax benefit |
Speak to an advisor Speak to an advisor |
59s > |
Tell us about a change in your circumstances or cancel your benefit If you want to tell us about a change in your circumstances or cancel your benefit |
31s > |
Helpful Hint - If your circumstances have changed please log on to our website at You must allow 15 days for your claim to be processed.
If you are a landlord If you are a landlord |
If you are a private tenancy landlord If you are a private tenancy landlord |
36s > |
If you are a housing association landlord If you are a housing association landlord |
36s > |
If you need to know when your payment is due or you are missing an expected payment If you need to know when your payment is due or you are missing an expected payment |
Think you are missing a payment If you think you're missing a payment |
38s > |
Checking the due date of a payment If you are checking the due date of a payment |
38s > |
For any other enquiry For any other enquiry |
31s > |
Last Updated: February 2015 Data provided by: Please Press 1 Team
We aim to ensure the information provided is as accurate as possible but companies sometimes change their menus round without informing us. This is particularly true in 2020 given the Covid-19 situation. As a result Please Press 1 accept no liability for any loss direct or consequential (including, but not limited to, time or financial cost) arising from inaccurate data. If you find any data that is not accurate, please let us know. welcomes opinions and reviews from consumers. In line with our fair and impartial ratings policy, we actively moderate all posts submitted. Any posts suspected to be false or misleading in any way will not be published.
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